Zipper item idea brainstorming

Since its raining out today and I am unable to do 3d work like I had wanted, I am now brainstorming new ideas on what I can do to use the amazing 25 pounds of zippers that were donated to me.  I have some ideas.  But need some feedback.  So I want to make some more zipper purses like I have on my shop already.  And then I want to make some more rings as well. Also my coffee mug/beer bottle cozies.  But the new ideas are similar to these:


flower brooch

spiral brooch

zipper cuff


braided bracelet

Also thought about trying to think of some necklace ideas.


And its pretty awesome to see that I am the only one besides one other person with the idea for the rings!  YAY!! Just gotta get them up for sale next week now. :)

So... thoughts?  Any other ideas???
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Hey, I am doing a deal through Mother's Day.  You can get free shipping on ANY order with the coupon code FREESHIP77 at check out!!!
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The time has come!!!

So I think I am finally able to share with you what I have been brainstorming and wanting to create the last couple of months and have been teasing you and teasing you about.  Heres the moment... COFFEE/BEER COZIES!!!!

I am going to add another button on so it can be wrapped about a beer bottle or can too.  But I am planning on making them in red, green and blue.  They will be great for coffee mugs as seen here, to go cups in place of the paper ones, beer cans, beer bottles, or even just water glasses, especially the reusable ones.

Let me know what you think.  :)
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Big day Big day!

So a few months back, I posted a tweet about needing zippers.  Well a factory out in California called UCAN zippers, replied and they sent me... get ready... 25 pounds! of zippers!  I was blown away!  But the reason this is a big day is I FINALLY get to make the item I have been waiting to make.  I just needed the zippers for it.  I will hopefully be posting pictures of them either later today or this week.  Its a secret on what it is until I post it.  :)  But I will give you a hint... it comes in handy in the morning when you are making/eating your breakfast! 
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